
Sarcasm and Irony

There exists two things in this world that are incredibly hard to understand, since they mean what they don't say and they don't mean what they say. Of course, i'm talking about sarcasm and irony. Why am I making a blog about this? The answer is simple, I'm out of creativity and ideas. That being said, let's start discussing that! Sarcasm, the "educated" way of making fun of others. Even though most people use this wonderful writing tool to make people look dumb, it has many, many other uses. It can be used to describe how does an object look, it can describe people's personalities, how they react to certain situations, and much more other things. The main use of this tool is to compare something or someone with a totally different object/personality, so different that it is obvious that the writer did not meant to relate both of them, therefore making the reader infer that he was using sarcasm. How can this be useful? Most writers use it to not soun...

"How Videogames teach How to Teach" Blog Entry Response

Recently, we have read a blog entry titled "How Videogames teach How to Teach" on our english class, and to be honest, I really liked it and can understand their point of view, so I decided to write a "response" to the creator of the entry to sort of give him some "feedback" and my point of view for his argument. "How Videogames teach how to teach" response Education and Video games are very different when compared to each other. Most people, when asked what makes them different, would say: “Well, one teaches stuff, the other one is just for entertainment”. Maybe even some will say that videogames makes you dumb.While that might be true today, maybe we can change that in the future and “merge” both things into one. According to the blog entry, education needs a lot to learn about video games and their way of making players do what they want, and feel happy and rewarded while doing so. Education teaches every single student the same way, at th...

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, thoughts and opinions

Recently, I've read the story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson and, in my opinion, it's very fascinating. The change in feelings throughout the whole story is an experience that not many books can match. I was honestly astonished once I figured out that it was no regular lottery, but a game on life and death. At the mention of the title, and through the majority of the book, one thinks "Oh, how lucky will be the one who gets chosen on the lottery" since one has this sense of knowing 100% what the lottery is about. This same sense makes the final even more surprising, which mades us remember that we think  that we know everything, but the truth is that we don't know most of the things we should, and most of the things we do know does not hels us in the way they should. One example is Old Man Warner, one supposes that this man is a great man by refusing to let this tradition be destroyed, but when reading the book again, one realises that the tradition, ...

Education: best or worst thing ever?

Recently, there has been a lot of controversy regarding our societies current education method. Some hail it as if there was no other thing that was better that it, others think about it as complete garbage. Whatever your opinion about this subject is, we'll discuss why it is so hated worldwide. So, every people who hates our education method have a very decent point in their advantage, saying that, well, that schools can't predict the future. The main problem in education, according to most people, is that we are currently teaching students to work in 2017, while in 2021, for example, jobs might need completely different things that had to be taught today, and we don't. Of course, they are not getting mad with schools because they want them to predict the future, what their solution is, it's to reinvent our way of teaching. Today, we give students exact instructions, "do this, in this place, in this way, in this time". However, what if, instead of treatin...

"True Love" by Isaac Asimov, A tale of artificial love

Recently, we've read the Sci-Fi story called "True Love" by Isaac Asimov. I don't like the term "Science Fiction" because the word "Fiction" compares it to unicorns, and other kinds of stuff that are completely impossible. However, some science fiction can be, theoretically , possible, given humanity enough time and research. In my opinion, it was a story that's mostly centered about the creator of an AI that's able to access everyone's personal information, that tries to discover an "algorithm" for him to be able to find their perfect match. This sounds weird at first, since one thinks that there's no "reliable" way of finding love, since love cannot be finded, love finds you. However, as Milton suggests, there are some ways to very accurately "guess" who would be a good partner. They literally pass through every women in the world, step by step, every time decreasing the quantity, until they end up ...

Ohai there

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